Causes of Cancer

Risk Factors for Lung Cancer

Risk Factors
Cigarette SmokingCigarette smoking is the most important risk factor! And that risk increases with the quantity and the duration of cigarette consumption.
Cigar and pipe smoking also increases your risk, as does the use of chewing tobacco, which is also implicated in a number of other types
of cancer.
Secondhand Tobacco SmokerSecondhand tobacco smoke comes from burning cigarettes or other tobacco products, or is exhaled by smokers. When you inhale secondhand smoke, you are exposed to the same cancer-causing agents as smokers, although in smaller amounts.
Environmental Factors

  • Air pollution is now considered to be a risk factor.

  • Other exposures of concern include asbestos, certain metals such as chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and some organic chemicals. Although the risk of lung cancer from such exposure is not as great as the risk from cigarette smoke, your risk increases more if you are a smoker and you are exposed to these agents in the workplace or elsewhere.

Alcohol UseDrinking large amounts is linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.
Beta Carotene Supplements in Heavy SmokersTaking beta-carotene supplements (pills) can increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers who smoke one or more packs a day. The risk is higher in smokers who also drink one or more alcoholic drinks every day.
History of TuberculosisHistory of tuberculosis is a potential risk factor for certain types of lung cancer.
Genetic SusceptibilityGenetic susceptibility plays a contributing role in the development of lung cancer, especially in those who develop the disease at a younger age.
AgeAbout 2 out of 3 people diagnosed with lung cancer are older than 65. Less than 3% of all diagnoses are made in people younger than 45.

Presented as a public service by the ASIAN FUND FOR CANCER RESEARCH.