
Expert cancer meetings are under growing pressure

Anne Li                                 1/15/17


The increasing number of patients being discussed at expert cancer meetings means that specialists are under growing pressure, according to a Cancer Research UK report published today. Last year, 1.4 million discussions about cancer patients took place at Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings across the UK. This has increased by 20 per cent each year since 2011. The researchers received more than 3,550 responses from healthcare professionals on a survey asking their experiences of MDT meetings and how they can be improved. The team covered 624 patient discussions at 24 meetings and visited 10 locations. They found that individual patients were discussed for an average of three minutes and more than half of patients were discussed for two minutes or less in meetings that can last for several hours.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/press-release/2017-01-11-expert-cancer-meetings-are-under-growing-pressure


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