
News Digest – live from inside the human body, a DNA-analysing smartphone attachment, a ‘huge leap’ in prostate cancer testing and… ‘Know your Lemons’?

Anne Li                               2/3/17


This week, Cancer Research UK's News Digest gives us updates on live from inside the human body, a DNA-analysing smartphone attachment, a ‘huge leap’ in prostate cancer testing and… ‘Know your Lemons’? This week's number is 5, which is the number of new cases of melanoma skin cancer every week in the UK predicted to be caused by sun exposure at work.


See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/01/21/news-digest-live-from-inside-the-human-body-a-dna-analysing-smartphone-attachment-a-huge-leap-in-prostate-cancer-testing-and-know-your-lemons/


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