
WHO: Half a Million Africans Die From Cancer Annually

Anne Li                                                                                                March 12th, 2017


The World Health Organization says about half a million Africans die of cancer each year, or six percent of global cancer deaths annually. The leading cancers in Africa affect the breast, cervix and prostate, according to WHO. Dr. Andre Ilbawi, the technical officer for cancer control at WHO headquarters in Geneva, says the cause of the illness in Africa is not always clear, though factors that may contribute to breast cancer include alcohol use, obesity and lack of physical activity. Weakened immune systems also play a role, making people susceptible to many infections and diseases, including the human papilloma virus, or HPV, which can cause cervical cancer.


See original article at: https://www.voanews.com/a/half-a-million-africans-die-cancer-annually-world-health-organization-says/3760511.html

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