
‘Practice changing’ study defines standard of care for elderly glioblastoma patients

Anne Li                                                                                               March 18th, 2017


Using chemotherapy alongside radiotherapy can extend the lives of elderly patients with glioblastoma, the most common type of brain tumour, according to a Canadian study. The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that combining the chemotherapy drug temozolomide with a short course of radiotherapy was more successful than radiotherapy alone in older patients. Survival almost doubled in just under half of patients (45%), increasing from 7 months in those given radiotherapy alone to 13.5 months in those who received the combined treatment.This was linked to a molecular marker found in the cancer cells, say the research team. When the marker indicated that cells were unable to repair their DNA, the treatment was more effective. The study included 562 patients aged 65 to 90. Dr Normand Laperriere, who co-led the large trial at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the University Health Network, said the team expected the results to have a worldwide impact. “We anticipate this combined therapy will be the treatment strategy broadly adopted around the world for patients 65 and older because it makes a significant difference in the course of this terrible disease," said Laperriere.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-03-16-practice-changing-study-defines-standard-of-care-for-elderly-glioblastoma-patients

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