
Using a pig model to study chronic diseases may help minimize drug failure rate

Anne Li                     7/22/2017                    anne2001.li@gmail.com


Scientists may be able to minimize the failure rate of drugs for diseases linked to high-calorie diets, such as colon cancer and type 2 diabetes, if they test treatments using a pig model, according to an international team of researchers. In a study, researchers found that pigs, which have gut bacterial profiles and immune systems similar to humans, also maintain two distinct colonic stem cell populations — ASCL-2 and BMI-1. Mice lack colonic BMI-1 stem cells that play a critical role in how colon cancer forms — or carcinogenesis — and how material passes through the cell lining of the intestinal wall — or gut permeability.


See original article at: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170720113645.htm


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