
“What’s happening to make treatments better and less horrible?”– Alyssa’s story

Anne Li                                                                                     August 12th, 2017                                    anne2001.li@gmail.com


Ten-year-old Alyssa Davies from Preston loves art, Harry Potter, riding her bike with friends and playing with her eight-year-old sister Lauren. In this article, she and her mum, Angela, talk about her cancer diagnosis and coming to London for a day to visit a Cancer Research UK lab. Alyssa was transferred to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital for treatment. Over the next six months, she had five cycles of chemotherapy, a lumbar puncture and was given steroids. According to Angela, the steroid were the ‘worst part of treatment’ because they made Alyssa really moody.
See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/08/07/whats-happening-to-make-treatments-better-and-less-horrible-alyssas-story/

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