
Keyhole oesophageal cancer surgery as good as more invasive operations

Anne Li                                                                                     September 16th, 2017                            anne2001.li@gmail.com


Keyhole surgery for oesophageal cancer is as good as more invasive surgery in terms of survival, according to unpublished clinical trial results. There may also be benefits in reducing complications for patients after surgery. Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, a Cancer Research UK-funded expert in oesophageal cancer at the University of Cambridge, said the study should give reassurance that keyhole surgery is just as good an operation, which should be better for patient recovery.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-09-06-keyhole-oesophageal-cancer-surgery-as-good-as-more-invasive-operations

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