
Some cancer drugs approved in Europe might not have sufficient evidence of survival benefits, says study

Anne Li                                                                                     October 28th, 2017


Most cancer drugs approved in Europe from 2009-2013 weren’t backed by sufficient scientific evidence that they work, according to a new study. At the time of approval, around a third of European approvals were backed up by robust evidence from clinical trials showing improved survival, and 1 in 10 approvals followed evidence that the treatment improved quality of life. After further evidence was gathered around half of approvals had evidence of improving survival or quality of life.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-10-05-some-cancer-drugs-approved-in-europe-might-not-have-sufficient-evidence-of-survival-benefits-says

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