
Cancer patients diagnosed at an earlier stage are more likely to have surgery than chemotherapy

Anne Li                                                                                     November 18th, 2017


Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the mainstays of cancer treatment. So it’s surprising that, despite decades of use, it has been impossible to answer this seemingly simple question: which patients are getting which types of treatment? In a world-first, the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS), in partnership with Cancer Research UK, have used data from England to see which treatments are being used across all types of cancer, for the whole population. And it shows that generally patients diagnosed an earlier stage are more likely to receive surgery, and avoid chemotherapy.


See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/10/26/cancer-patients-diagnosed-at-an-earlier-stage-are-more-likely-to-have-surgery-than-chemotherapy/

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