
Cancer Research UK to invest £45 million in clinical trials

Anne Li                                                                                     Feburary 24th, 2018


Cancer Research UK has announced that £45 million will be invested into its network of clinical trials units across the UK, one of the charity’s largest investments in clinical research to date. Cancer Research UK’s clinical trials units (CTUs) bring together world leading researchers and clinicians to find life-saving new treatments and tests for cancer patients. Clinical trials are the only way to find out if a new treatment is safe to use, and if it’s better than existing treatments. Each year, around 25,000 people take part in a clinical trial that’s supported by Cancer Research UK.
See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/press-release/2018-02-15-cancer-research-uk-to-invest-ps45-million-in-clinical-trials

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