5th Sino-US Conference: Personalized Medicine in Cancer Therapy
Saturday 13th November – Sunday 14th November, 2010
Hong Kong

AFCR was a proud to sponsor, along with several other organizations, the 5th Sino-U.S. Conference: Personalized Medicine in Cancer Therapy. The international meeting held at the Chinese University in Hong Kong on November 13 and 14, 2010, was co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States. The theme of this year's conference was to discuss the recent research breakthroughs in liver, colon, lung, and brain cancer. The high-energy conference provided a platform for leading international and regional cancer scientists and researchers to share their experiences in personalized medicine in cancer therapy. AFCR President & CEO Dr. Sujuan Ba and AFCR scientist Prof. Tony S. Mok attended this conference.

Throughout the two days, the world's leaders in cancer research presented their results on how they are deciphering the complexities of cancer that are allowing doctors to pick the best therapy for each patient. Progress in diagnosing and effectively treating tumors based on specific collections of molecular biomarkers is being made, and researchers agreed that more biomarkers are still needed, for example, in brain and lung cancer. AFCR believes the wave of personalized medicine holds the hope of curing cancer.

The Asian Fund for Cancer Research was founded to support innovative cancer research in Asia, and promote exchange and collaboration among cancer researchers in Asia and in other parts of the world. We at AFCR are happy to see that this conference has tremendously expanded the opportunities for international scientific collaboration on the research of personalized medicine, which is giving more hope to cancer patients around the world.

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Please click on the file below to view the video of the conference.