On January 8, 2011, the AFCR leadership team, including President Sujuan Ba, Ph.D., Chief Development Officer Sree Kaimal, Ph.D., and Chief Science Officer, Michael Wang, M.D., Ph.D., represented AFCR at the 2011 Chinese New Year Gala of the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association-USA (CBA), in Rockville, MD, USA. CBA is an independent, non-political, not-for-profit professional organization dedicated to promoting science, technology, and business development in the biopharmaceutical fields by fostering research and business collaborations around the world. The annual CBA New Year Gala is one of the most prestigious events for those who are interested in networking with people in the biopharmaceutical research & development areas. Each year, the Gala attracts hundreds of attendees including top-level executives of international and local biopharmaceutical companies, scientists, entrepreneurs, investors, and representatives from the Chinese government and high-tech parks, US government officials By attending international communication forums like the CBA New Year Gala, AFCR continues its mission to expand global research collaboration.

To learn more about the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association-USA and 2011 CBA Annual New Year Gala, please visit www.cba-usa.org.

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Check more CBA Gala photos at: cbausa.shutterfly.com/pictures/5