Cancer has been referred to as “the emperor of all maladies,” because it impacts so many people globally. The American Cancer Society estimates that, by 2030, there will be 21.7 million new cancer diagnoses worldwide. This is why research into cancer detection, treatment, and prevention is one of the most vital aspects of health care, and why funding leading-edge cancer research is so important for the Asian Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR).

The AFCR recognizes that people want answers about the different types of cancer, what genetic and environmental factors may cause cancer, and which therapies can most effectively treat cancer. This overview section is meant to offer the most accurate and up-to-date information; however, this information is not meant as a substitute for consulting with your physician about individual diagnostic and treatment options for you and your loved ones.

*The information presented here has resulted from basic laboratory cancer research, or guidelines accepted within the medical community. These discoveries and information may not apply in all cases due to the great variations in time of detection and diagnosis and treatment regimens which individual patients experience.

Causes of Cancer

Cancer is defined as a collection of related diseases that can originate anywhere within the body. The human body is made of trillions of cells…


The research projects supported by the AFCR will continue to advance the ways that different cancers are understood and treated…


Early Detection saves lives! The earlier cancer is diagnosed the better the chance of recovery. The AFCR recommends cancer screening…

Treatment and Care

Research helps to develop new ways of understanding and treating cancer, and to give patients, clinicians, and caregivers more options…

Science Highlights

Though treatments like chemotherapy can be effective in eliminating cancer, they can also have devastating sides, such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting…