Chocolate dates back at least 4,000 years ago. Chocolate is derived from the seed of the cocoa tree. In fact, cocoa (from which chocolate is created) was referred to it as god's food in ancient Mayan texts. Through the years, chocolate has become a sweet indulgence for many. And in moderation, dark chocolate may help reduce your risk of cancer.

Chocolate, a product of cocoa, contains potent levels of antioxidants, which can help prevent diseases and neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. In fact, the darker the chocolate, the better it is for you. Dark chocolate possess higher levels of antioxidants, fewer calories and less fat than its’ milk and white chocolate cousins. Plus, contrary to popular belief, chocolate is not super charged with caffeine. In fact, a small chocolate bar contains about the same amount of caffeine as a standard cup of coffee.

In addition, chocolate lovers report an instant gratifying sensation when eating chocolate. Studies show that endorphins are believed to be “feel good” neurotransmitters, which appear to be affected by dietary fat. So, eating chocolate may increase endorphins and lift your mood. Despite such positive findings, AFCR stresses that over consumption of chocolate is still considered unhealthily. Moderation is the key to enjoying chocolate and to reap the best benefits of chocolate.