We Need Your Help to Bring Innovative Brain Cancer
Treatments to Asia


Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and deadliest type of brain cancer in adults, killing 95% of patients within five years of diagnosis. Survival rates of GBM have not improved in any meaningful way in over 30 years, despite desperate efforts.

We Are Changing the Way We Fight GBM

With initial support from AFCR and other non-profit organizations, the innovative and paradigm-changing clinical trial system, GBM AGILE, was founded. This adaptive trial accelerates the pace at which new treatment options are evaluated for patients, and represents an extremely efficient way of finding effective therapies to improve survival for GBM.

Your donation will help bring this revolutionary clinical trial to patients in Asia.

Donate now to help Asian patients enroll and receive the most promising treatments in GBM AGILE, connect with global research expertise, and progress new therapies that could improve survival for the deadliest and most common brain cancer in adults. You are giving patients real HOPE to survive!

What is GBM AGILE?

GBM AGILE (Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment) is an innovative clinical trial platform aimed at identifying the most effective therapies for patients with GBM. In the new adaptive design of GBM AGILE trial, multiple treatment arms are investigated against a common control arm, allowing researchers to identify drugs that are showing promising results and seamlessly transition them to a confirmatory stage designed to support fast drug approval.

What is GBM AGILE?

GBM AGILE (Adaptive Global Innovative Learning Environment) is an innovative clinical trial platform aimed at identifying the most effective therapies for patients with GBM. In the new adaptive design of GBM AGILE trial, multiple treatment arms are investigated against a common control arm, allowing researchers to identify drugs that are showing promising results and seamlessly transition them to a confirmatory stage designed to support fast drug approval.

“GBM AGILE provides increasing opportunities for patients to receive more innovative drugs, and it shortens the time to see treatment impact on patient survival.” W.K. Alfred Yung, M. D.

  • Executive Committee, GBM AGILE
  • Chair, AFCR Scientific Advisory Board
  • Professor of Neuro-Oncology,
  • University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Differences between GBM AGILE and a standard clinical trial

Efforts to bring new products to market may last several years, cost billions of dollars and require numerous patients and extensive resources. Standard clinical trials typically test one therapy against the standard of care or a placebo, severely limiting the efficiency of finding new treatments for GBM. GBM AGILE can test multiple therapies against standard of care at once or over time, adding and dropping drugs based on a decision algorithm.



Design and trial structure that is adaptable based on response in participating patients.



Global effort opens to a broad patient population with GBM across the world.



Unique platform to make drug development cost effective and fasten the progress.



Perpetual learning system to quickly add potentially promising new drugs and drop those that appear to be ineffective.

Recent Progress Made Possible with Your Support

40 Trial sites in the United States

1200 patients screened

30+ Global sites selected

5 Pharmaceutical partners

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