Listed in this section are research projects currently sponsored by AFCR and their achievement made possible with our dedicated donor’s support.

  • Cell Polarity Research

    Understanding the basic molecular mechanisms of cell polarity may lead researchers to a new way of understanding of cancer, enabling them to decipher why a wide variety of cancers form and develop a potential new way to stop them.

  • Colorectal Cancer Research

    Research for developing new markers and targets in colorectal cancer: A novel tumor suppressor gene in colorectal cancer.

  • Gastric Cancer Research

    A more personalized approach to treatment is urgently needed for better patient outcomes – Mapping the gastric cancer genome: Identifying new treatment targets.

  • Glioblastoma (GBM) Research

    GBM AGILE: The goal is to allow GBM patients to quickly share in the benefits of more effective therapies, providing new hope where little currently exists. The finalized adaptive clinical trial protocol is expected this spring, and patient enrollment is expected to begin in the summer of 2017.

  • Ovarian Cancer Research

    Improving the treatment of ovarian cancer with powerful microRNAs that overcome the resistance of chemotherapy: Blazing the path for ovarian cancer patients by showing that one miRNA called miR-506 may be key to reducing the resistance that develops with standard platinum-based chemotherapy in OvCa patients.

  • New Drugs to Fight Tumor Formation

    By understanding the molecular signaling pathways that lead to tumor formation, a research team is identifying new targets for anti-cancer therapy, and developing new approaches to cancer treatment.

  • Tissue Bank Consortium in Asia

    Tumor biospecimens can be considered the center of the molecular-medicine universe. However, a lack of access to high-quality cancer tissues remains a major obstacle to researchers around the world. AFCR has been actively participating in building the Tissue Bank Consortium in Asia (TBCA) since 2007 to overcome this key roadblock to cancer research.