Research helps to develop new ways of understanding and treating cancer, and to give patients, clinicians, and caregivers more options in deciding how to approach their particular treatment plans.

Every doctor is different: Variances in training, specialty, and even local practices, can influence the treatment plan any physician will recommend. As research efforts expand our understanding of cancer and our approaches to treatments, it is important for any patient to find a physician who has recent, relevant experience with his or her type of cancer.

Cancer doesn’t just impact the patient alone – it also affects family and friends who may find themselves as caregivers and confidantes. Caregivers must remember to protect their own health and well-being so that they can be more present and engaged with the person they are caring for.

In this section, you will find information about one of the most pivotal care decisions any patient can make – going for a second opinion. If you are a caregiver, you are an essential member of the treatment team for your loved one, read through for some resources we provide for you as well.

*The information presented here has resulted from basic laboratory cancer research, or guidelines accepted within the medical community. These discoveries and information may not apply in all cases due to the great variations in time of detection and diagnosis and treatment regimens which individual patients experience.

Caring for Someone with Cancer

Close to 29,000 Hong Kong residents are diagnosed with cancer each year. Nearly all of them need a caregiver at some point to help them pull through their cancer journey…

The Importance of A Second Opinion

One of the most critical challenges a patient will face is how to make decisions about healthcare. With advances in technology and treatments, there are more options and more…