If you were with AFCR last year, you might still remember the urgent campaign we had last November to help raise additional funding for Prof. Maria Lung’s esophageal cancer research. Thanks to generous supporters like you, Prof. Lung’s team has already made encouraging progress over the past year!

We believe you will be as encouraged and inspired as we are by Prof. Lung’s research update in her recent letter to AFCR. This important progress is only possible because of generous donors like you. Your continued support is critical, if we are to continue funding this type of innovative research. As you can see in Prof. Lung’s letter, AFCR need to provide another HK$500,000 in the coming year to keep the momentum of this promising and crucial research.

Research takes long-time commitment, and just one year of lapsed funding could overhaul the entire project and delay or even kill a new discovery. This is the last thing I want to see happen to Prof. Lung and other AFCR scientists, whose research holds so much hope for those fighting this deadly disease.

Can we count on you for support at this time? We need your help to close the gap in research funding…today! You can:

Caring people like you are the key to keeping AFCR’s cutting-edge research on track. We can’t wait to deliver the good news to Prof. Lung that, because of you, her research continues. 

Thank you very much!

Asian Fund for Cancer Research