a.      Brain Cancer

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is the most common and lethal form of brain tumor in adults. Today, less than 10% of GBM patients survive longer than five years after an initial diagnosis.  But with your support, AFCR is helping build The Global Brain Cancer Alliance (TGBCA) – a new international collaboration platform that unites efforts from leading cancer researchers, hospitals and non-profit organizations from around the world to accelerate brain cancer research and defeat this deadly disease on a global scale.

b.      Colorectal Cancer

With your help, AFCR-supported scientists were able to use cutting-edge technology to identify  a tumor suppressor gene.  This gene may serve as a prognostic indicator to help doctors choose the best treatment approach for their patients.  It may also serve as a target for the development of new therapeutics to stop the spread of colorectal cancer.

c.       Esophageal Cancer

Nearly 50% of the world’s new esophageal cancer cases occur in China.  With your help, AFCR is funding vital research on identifying biomarkers, which can be used to develop a simple blood screening test for early detection of esophageal cancer or for determining high risk groups for the disease.

d.      Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer is a prevalent cancer in Asia, and less than 3 out of every 10 patients survive longer than 5 years after diagnosis.  An AFCR-sponsored international collaborative project on gastric cancer has already made important progress.  This highly fruitful research holds promise for developing personalized medicine for gastric cancer patients in Asia and around the world, marking an important milestone towards more effective treatment of this deadly disease.

e.      Lung Cancer

Nearly 600,000 people die of lung cancer each year in China, accounting for more than 1/3 of total lung cancer deaths globally.  An AFCR-supported research team has been working to develop more effective and personalized lung cancer treatments for the Asian population, giving them the best chance for survival.

f.        Ovarian Cancer

AFCR scientists are blazing the path to develop a treatment that fights the developed resistance to standard chemotherapy that many ovarian cancer patients eventually experience.  The team of researchers has identified a short piece of RNA called microRNA (miRNA) that may be the key to sensitizing the tumor to chemotherapy, overcoming the problem of resistance.

The Tissue Bank Consortium in Asia (TBCA)

Well-preserved tumor tissue with complete clinical annotation is one of the most valuable yet highly limited resources for cancer research.  AFCR sponsors the Tissue Bank Consortium in Asia (TBCA), a collaboration platform that promotes biospecimen-based international cancer research collaboration.  This invaluable resource has provided scientists around the world with access to the high quality cancer tissue and blood samples needed to continue their lifesaving research.

New Programs to Fight Cancer

With your continued support, AFCR has recently been able to fund two new programs in the fight against cancer.  One program is focused on epithelial cells – the most common cell type in the human body and the origin of over 80% of all cancers; the other program is aimed to develop a new way that could stop cancer from forming.  Each of these programs could lead to novel treatments and entirely new ways to fight many different types of cancer.