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推動TTF電場技術發明與膠質瘤臨床應用的Novo Cure執行主席Doyle | 第二屆中國腦膠質瘤學術大會嘉賓風采

Every person deserves healthy relationships.

Identify Abuse

Domestic violence is a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship.
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Plan for Safety

A safety plan is a set of actions that can help lower your risk of being hurt by your partner. It includes information specific to you and your life.
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Support Others

Since those experiencing abuse are often isolated by their abusers, it’s important to know how you can support survivors on the path to finding safety.
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Abusive partners may control what you can do.
0 %
One partner may treat another as a servant or make all major decisions.
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Are afraid of telling other people about their conditions, fears and ask for help.
1 %

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  • ​Personalized embroidered patches
    Posted 3 9 月, 2024 5:52 下午 0Likes

    This was an excellent read. Very thorough and well-researched.

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