
Tobacco control measures found to be cost-effective, says WHO report

Anne Li                            1/15/17


A report from the National Cancer Institute in the US and the World Health Organization has found that tobacco control measures are highly cost-effective, but under-used in some countries. The report also states that tobacco control doesn't harm economies, and reduces the impact smoking has on poorer communities. Tobacco control measures include tax increases, bans on advertising, including health warnings on packages, policies to restrict where people can smoke and programms to help them quit. Smoking accounts for 1 in 4 UK cancer deaths and nearly 1 in 5 


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/news-report/2017-01-13-tobacco-control-measures-found-to-be-cost-effective-says-who-report


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