
Experimental drug trial seeks to improve treatment for head and neck cancer

Anne Li A trial to test an experimental drug in patients with head and neck cancer launches in the UK, through the Combinations Alliance – a joint initiative between Cancer Research UK and the Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres (ECMC) Network. Researchers want to find out whether using Astra Zeneca’s AZD1775…...

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Blood test could help personalise treatment for advanced prostate cancer

Anne LI                       6/30/2017                   Scientists have developed a blood test that could help doctors select the best treatment for men with aggressive prostate cancer. The multipurpose…...

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Proposed federal budget would devastate cancer research, advocates say

Anne Li                                                                                                …...

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‘Unacceptable’ plans revealed by NICE that could delay availability of drugs on the NHS in England

Anne Li                                                                                                March…...

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News digest – landmark week for CRISPR genome editing, cancer-preventing drugs, lifetime weight and…‘manageable’ pancreatic cancer?

Anne Li                                                                                                Feburary…...

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GPs need help promoting the benefits of cancer preventing drugs

Anne Li                                                                                               Feburary…...

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Anne Li                            1/15/17   This week the drug olaparib (also known as Lynparza) was approved for use in Scotland for women with ovarian cancer by the Scottish Medicine’s Consortium. Scottish charity Worldwide Cancer Research funded work which…...

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Study suggests small cell lung cancer should not be treated as single disease

Anne Li                              1/15/17   A new study in mice suggests that a type of lung cancer could be split into two different diseases based on cells’ molecular fingerprints. The findings suggest that the two types of small cell lung…...

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Tobacco control measures found to be cost-effective, says WHO report

Anne Li                            1/15/17   A report from the National Cancer Institute in the US and the World Health Organization has found that tobacco control measures are highly cost-effective, but under-used in some countries. The report also states…...

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No Safe Level of Smoking: Even low-intensity smokers are at increased risk of earlier death

Anne Li                              1/1/17   People who consistently smoked an average of less than one cigarette per day over their lifetimes had a 64 percent higher risk of earlier death than never smokers, and those who smoked…...

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