
22 UK charities announce their supporters can donate with Apple Pay

Anne Li                                                                                                March 12th, 2017


Apple Pay is making it easier and more secure for people in the UK to donate to their favourite charity from their iPhone, iPad or Mac, instantly, with just a touch. Cancer Research UK joins ActionAid UK, Alzheimer's Society, Barnardo’s, British Heart Foundation, Comic Relief, Concern Worldwide (UK), DEC, Marie Curie, Oxfam, (RED), The Royal British Legion, RNIB, RNLI, RSPB, RSPCA, Scope, Sightsavers, Unicef UK, VSO, WaterAid, and WWF-UK to offer Apple Pay from today so their supporters can make easy, secure and private payments, right at the moment they feel inspired to donate. Graham White, individual giving director at Cancer Research UK, said: “It’s important we explore different ways for people to donate, to make sure we stay relevant and that people can continue to give to us in ways that fit into their busy lives. “Cancer Research UK has been at the forefront of exploring donation mechanics in the third sector. We are striving to make it easier for people to donate to us, and continually test new ways to give.  Given we’re really passionate about achieving our aim of seeing three in four people beat cancer by 2034, we know we have to adapt to suit the ways that supporters want to interact with us.


See original article at: https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-us/cancer-news/press-release/2017-03-08-22-uk-charities-announce-their-supporters-can-donate-with-apple-pay

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