
News digest – Promising early results for cancer vaccines, calls for more gene testing in the NHS, warning for alcohol and cancer, and… manicures and cancer risk?

Anne Li                                                                                      July 14th, 2017                                                               anne2001.li@gmail.com


This week, Cancer Research UK's News Digest gives us updates on the nation's top doctors, personalized cancer vaccines, Britons, improvement in pregnancy rates, capturing cancer spreading on camera, CRISPR, a new ‘copycat’ cancer drug for lymphoma, sunscreen, and finally…. manicures? This week's number is 8, which is the ranking of Britain for the biggest drinkers in Europe.


See original article at: https://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2017/07/08/news-digest-promising-early-results-for-cancer-vaccines-calls-for-more-gene-testing-in-the-nhs-warning-for-alcohol-and-cancer-and-manicures-and-cancer-risk/

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