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Anne Li                                                                                                April 2nd, 2017


NHS England aims for an extra 5,000 people each year to survive cancer by 2019, a new report claims. The report sets out a number of measures to achieve this target, including investment in new radiotherapy machines, support for services to diagnose cancers earlier, and personalised care for patients. A new target for patients to be diagnosed or given the all-clear within 28 daysof referral will also be in place from 2018. This target will be assessed through the introduction of 10 specialist diagnostic centres, which aim to make a range of tests available under one roof. The focus on cancer comes as one of several updates to NHS England’s five-year plan, which was released in 2014.  The update was welcomed by Emma Greenwood, Cancer Research UK’s director of policy, who said the focus on early diagnosis to improve patients chances of surviving cancer was important. “Key to getting this right is ensuring we have enough staff to carry out cancer tests, and we need to see more of a focus on this over the coming months,” added Greenwood. She said that there is there is still much to do if England is to match the best countries in the world for cancer survival.


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