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2022 has been a challenging year and filled with many distractions, and why I’m following up with you on an important update, I recently sent you. 

I hope you received the e-newsletter introducing AFCR’s Gastrointestinal cancers research and the exciting news that a new drug for Phase I clinical trial enrollment will be open in Hong Kong this fall. 

I was also asking for your important renewed support to sustain the important work. If you already responded, thank you! If you haven’t had a chance to respond, please click here to make your donation.

For some, the enormity of cancer feels like a hopeless cause. But you know research is the key to ending cancer. And you know that your gifts to AFCR are funding groundbreaking research from some of the most respected cancer scientists in the world.

Right now, we are getting close to the end of AFCR’s most critical fundraising campaign of the year, and we need your loyal support.

I hope I can count on you to renew your support for AFCR before the end of the year.

Your generous gift today provides essential funds for AFCR’s promising research in 2023 and beyond. And those findings will translate into better treatments, diagnostic tools, prevention methods, and cures for ALL CANCERS, for all people, everywhere.

It’s so important that we finish the year strong—to make up for what the revenue shortfall in the middle of this year. We need your help to make that happen! Thank you!