Q: Where is AFCR?

Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited (AFCR) is a legal charity registered in Hong Kong and has obtained tax exemption status from the Inland Revenue Department (IRD). Our address is:

For donation:
Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited
P.O. Box No. 33786
Sheung Wan Post Office
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2156 9684
Fax: (852) 2156 9685
E-mail:  contact@afcr.org.hk
Website: www.AFCR.org.hk

For other inquiries:
Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited
5/F Dah Sing Life Building,
99-105 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2156 9684
Fax: (852) 2156 9685
E-mail:  contact@afcr.org.hk
Website: www.AFCR.org.hk


Q: What is AFCR’s Tax-Exempt Number?

AFCR’s IR file number with IRD is 91/7750. Any contribution at or more than HK$100 is tax deductible.


Q: What is Uniqe About AFCR?

With a well-established and constant growing international network of leading cancer scientists, top cancer research hospitals and institutions, and biopharmaceutical companies worldwide, AFCR is uniquely positioned to gathering top research minds across the globe to investigate the distinct causes of cancer in Asian populations through innovative genetic and molecular research, and implement in Asia the newest cancer research discoveries and technologies available elsewhere.

AFCR believes that the best way to combat cancer is through a two-pronged approach which combines the power of cancer research and prevention education. AFCR is dedicated to bridging the scientific and educational gaps in both areas between Asian countries and the rest of the world through promoting, coordinating and funding international collaboration in cancer research and public education. AFCR, therefore, is dually focused on the need to both enhance the general public’s awareness of how to protect themselves, and at the same time, to proactively translate discoveries made in the laboratory and quickly bring them to the bedsides of patients.


Q: How is My Donation Being Used?

The contributions received by AFCR are used to support cancer research programs and prevention education initiatives.  Our program services are categorized into three areas:

1. Cutting-edge research in common cancers in Asia:

AFCR provides research and development funding to support the most innovative ideas relating to cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. The AFCR funding is specifically focused on cancers that have significant impacts on Asian populations, which include lung, esophageal, colorectal and ovarian cancers. This includes projects that investigate novel approaches to overcoming resistance to chemotherapy, developing screening tests for early detection, optimizing the methods of practicing personalized medicine, and validating biomarkers for risk prediction of cancer metastasis or recurrence.

2. Synergistic collaborations across scientific disciplines:

Important breakthroughs in cancer research often come out of synergistic collaborations among scientists. As a result, besides providing flexible funding for individual innovative cancer research projects, AFCR is working to establish a number of collaboration platforms for our researchers. By fostering frequent interactions among our outstanding scientists, resources can be most effectively leveraged, and discoveries can be more quickly translated into new clinical practices that benefit cancer patients.

3. Science-based cancer awareness and prevention education:

Knowing the importance of a balanced diet and the benefits of regular exercise is just as critical as understanding the true nature of cancer.
AFCR’s public education series provides in-depth, user-friendly informational brochures and documents that not only provide new updates on the most recent breakthroughs in cancer research but also offer science-based education and advices to people on how to improve their diet and lifestyle, both of which will lead to longer and healthier lives.


Q: How Does AFCR Raise Funds?

AFCR receives contributions from dedicated individuals and corporations in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia. Through our partnership with the United States-based National Foundation for Cancer Research, AFCR is also able to attract contributions from the U.S. that are designated to support AFCR-related programs.


Q: Who is on the AFCR’s Board of Directors?

Gary Gee Nung Wong, Chairman
Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu, Ph.D., Director
Perchow Joseph Chang, Director


Q: Who is on the Management Team?

Sujuan Ba, Ph.D., President & CEO
Kwok Leung, Ph.D., Chief Financial Officer



Q: Who are AFCR’s Scientific Advisory Board Members?

Wai-Kwan Alfred Yung, M.D.
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Webster Cavenee, Ph.D.
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

Yung-Chi Cheng, Ph.D.
Yale University School of Medicine

Waun Ki Hong, M.D.
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Mien-Chie Hung, Ph.D.
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Kanaga Sabapathy, Ph.D.             
The National Cancer Center Singapore

George Tsao, Ph.D.
The University of Hong Kong

Michael Wang, M.D., MBA, Ph.D.
Chief Strategy Officer for Alliances and Partnerships
National Foundation for Cancer Research



Q: How Does AFCR Choose Who to Fund?

AFCR selects research projects through a stringent and rigorous review process. Prior to each funding cycle, the AFCR Science Review Committee and AFCR Science Department jointly review new research proposals submitted to AFCR. Projects funded during the past funding cycle will also be reviewed for funding renewal in the next cycle.

The AFCR Peer Review Committee is composed of leading cancer researchers from research institutions in Asia and the United States. The review process takes into account multiple factors of the received applications: the significance of the proposed research and impact on basic, translational and/or clinical research; the soundness of the scientific approach; the practicality and achievability of the short- and long-term objectives; novelty of the project; experience and productivity of the investigator(s); the facilities and resources available at their affiliated institutions; and the progresses during past funding cycle (renewal applications.)  Due to the limited resources available to AFCR, our Scientific Review Committee ranks the proposals and provides funds only to those who meet the highest standards.


Q: Does My Donation Make a Difference?

EVERY donation to AFCR, big and small, adds power to the fight against cancer and helps AFCR reach its ultimate goal – curing cancer, saving lives. The following list gives you a few examples on what your donations could do for cancer research:

• HK$40-$50 – Buys one bottle of culture medium to grow cancer cells in the lab for research use
• HK$240 – Collects and stores one valuable tumor tissue at the Tissue Bank for molecular and genetic analysis
• HK$200-$800 – Stains one tissue slide from a tumor biopsy to look for a predictive biomarker of cancer metastasis
• HK$800 – Evaluates one tumor biomarker for one patient to help him/her to receive the most beneficial therapy available
• HK$2,000 – Buys one case of petri dishes to grow cancer cells on a larger scale
• HK$4,000-$6,000 – Buys one antibody for testing whether tumor cells have a marker for drug resistance


Q: Donation Refund Policy

Please contact us within 30 days from the date of your contribution if you discover an error in the amount of your contribution. Please promptly let us know of any unauthorized use of your credit or debit card to make a contribution. We are committed to assisting donors in correcting any errors in their contributions irrespective of the means used by donors to make contributions. To request a refund, email contact@afcr.org.hk.


Q: Where Can I Find More Information About AFCR?

The best place to look for information about AFCR is our website at www.afcr.org.hk/en. Many types of information, such as cancer research programs, cancer prevention strategies or the latest news on cancer research, can be found on this site. Additional information can also be obtained by (1) Writing to our registered address at: Asian Fund for Cancer Research, 5/F Dah Sing Life Building, 99-105 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong; (2) Calling us at (852) 2156-9684; or (3) Emailing us at contact@afcr.org.hk.


Q: What Personal Information Do You Have and How Did You Get It?

We have only obtained your name, address, and phone number (if you provided it to us). The information was provided by several direct marketing companies that help us to identify you as a person who may have an interest in helping with the fight against cancer in Asia and/or around the world. Your information is only used by our organization for this purpose.


Q: Can You Give Me the Names of the Direct Marketing Companies?

We use different vendors for different campaigns.  We would need more details from the mail packet you received before we can offer this information.  For additional information, please contact us at contact@afcr.org.hk.