1. Stand in front of a large mirror, under bright light, and check every part of your skin, not just the places that are easy to see.
  2. Use a hand mirror to check the backs of your legs, the soles of your feet and the undersides of your arms. 
  3. What to look for

For Non-Melanoma

For Melanoma

Smooth, pearly or translucent bumps that may bleed or crust over

Asymmetry in a mole—one half of the mole looks different than the other half

Flat red spots that are scaly, crusty or bleed easily

Border irregularity—the edges of a mole are ragged, blurred or notched

Smooth, shiny bumps that may look like a mole

Color—does the shade vary from one part of the mole to the other?

A patch of skin that looks like a scar on the face

Diameter—the mole is larger than a pencil eraser

 Firm, pearly bumps with tiny blood vessels in a spiderlike

Evolving—A mole or skin lesion that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color

Your doctor or dermatologist can confirm if the changes you find on your skin or in a mole is from cancer.