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Anne Li                                                                                                March 25th, 2017


There has been little improvement in survival for pancreatic cancer over the last 40 years, making it one of our top priorities. Fewer than 3 in every 100 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the UK survive for 5 years or more – a figure that’s barely budged in decades. It’s time to change this bleak statistic. Back in 2013 Professor Andrew Biankin, a world-leader in pancreatic cancer research, moved to Glasgow after successfully applying for Cancer Research UK funding. His vision is to revolutionise how we treat pancreatic cancer. And thanks in part to a new injection of funding from us announced today, change is on the horizon. Biankin will be leading a newly funded project, called PRECISION Panc, to increase opportunities for patients with pancreatic cancer to join clinical trials. And the project’s ultimate aim is to match patients to treatments most likely to work for their type of pancreatic cancer.


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