AFCR’s Faster Payment System (FPS) ID is 113719686. Donors can now enter this number (instead of AFCR’s full bank account number) to make donations through their online or mobile banking.
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AFCR is registered in Hong Kong with the Inland Revenue Department. Our file number with the Inland Revenue Department is 91/7750. AFCR has a Certificate of Incorporation number 994957 with Company Registry.
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AFCR is registered in Hong Kong with the Inland Revenue Department. Our file number with the Inland Revenue Department is 91/7750. AFCR has a Certificate of Incorporation number 994957 with Company Registry.
AFCR is registered in Hong Kong with the Inland Revenue Department. Our file number with the Inland Revenue Department is 91/7750. AFCR has a Certificate of Incorporation number 994957 with Company Registry