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The Chinese new year holiday season is typically about giving and receiving joy from those we love. However, for many families who are battling cancer or who have recently lost a loved one, getting into the holiday spirit can be difficult. Perhaps the greatest gift we can give one another during this time is the gift of hope.

HOPE is the most powerful thing in the world. Because where there is hope, there is possibility.

Can we count on your gift today?

Caring friends like you are helping AFCR mount a furious attack against all cancers, using every resource at our disposal to fund the best research science, giving cancer patients the best chance to survive this disease. And every dollar you give helps more people survive.

For more than a decade, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research has helped accelerate the path to a cure, and each year cancer survival rates have increased and mortality rates have declined. This progress is only accomplished through the support of hopeful and generous people, like yourself.

As we draw closer to the holidays, please consider support cancer research.

It’s difficult to know what it’s like to battle cancer without being diagnosed oneself. It can be hard to find the right thing to say to someone who has been diagnosed or is undergoing treatment. Instead of relaying grief or pity, consider contributing to the battle by giving a gift for cancer research. A personal donation makes great impacts in the war on cancer!

You can also give the gift of hope with a donation to cancer research in honor or in memory of someone you love. It can bring the greatest comfort to those who need it the most this time of year.

For all you do, thank you.