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The Asian Fund for Cancer Research this 4 February continued its proud tradition of recognizing World Cancer Day. This year our organization again joined over one thousand peers throughout the globe in speaking as one voice and raising cancer awareness.

Based in Switzerland, the Union for International Cancer Control is the chief coordinator of the annual daylong initiative, wherein AFCR and other UICC members across Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas mobilize to encourage the universal population to take action in fighting cancer. Private citizens, communities, governments, businesses and other organizations are empowered to participate in one of the world’s largest international public health campaigns.

One such special partner amplified World Cancer Day 2020’s theme of empowerment, “I Am and I Will,” for not only the day but rather the whole month. Hugill & Ip Solicitors is donating a percentage of its company-wide February profits to AFCR. The Hong Kong law firm also communicated extensive cancer awareness social media messaging and its attorneys published a series of legal articles touching upon issues pertinent to cancer patients and their family members. These addressed areas such as the impact of corporate social responsibility, proper estate planning, medical malpractice and components of employment law, including medical leave and employment discrimination.