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I hope this letter finds you safe and well. Over the last several months, the world’s focus and concern has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is an even greater threat that claims the lives of 9.5 million people each year. You and I know that deadly disease is cancer.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis has not only affected our daily lives, it has also taken government and private funding away from life-saving cancer research. While the work to find a vaccine for the virus is critical, we must stay firmly focused on funding cancer science. We must work together to give cancer patients a fighting chance.

Here’s a simple glimpse into the disruption of COVID-19 on the fight against cancer:

  • 200+ international cancer research clinical trials suspended
  • 38% of global cancer surgery postponed or cancelled
  • 4 out of 10 cancer patients facing new difficulty affording care
  • Over 90% of charities seeing a significant decline in giving

This is the time to once again join AFCR and shine a light on the urgency of advancing cancer research.

When funding resources in the laboratories are more limited than ever, can we count on you to renew your support and make a generous contribution to our final cancer research fundraising campaigns of the year?

We know that you have many choices when giving to a cancer charity, but there is no other organization where your gift can have more IMPACT. Because our work extends across all forms of cancer, the impact of your gift is MAGNIFIED. Your generosity truly helps to achieve the impossible.

Most of all, your gift provides life to people everywhere… children, women, and men—young and old who are fighting all forms of cancer and for the next generation. Your generosity truly goes a very long way!

Please renew your support of AFCR today! Together, we remain totally committed to finding a cure for cancers.