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What is Glioblastoma (GBM)?

Glioblastoma, referred to simply as GBM, is the deadliest type of brain cancer. GBM is widely regarded as incurable and universally fatal, killing 95% of patients within five years of diagnosis. GBM survival rates have not improved in any meaningful way in over 30 years despite desperate efforts. For years, researchers tried and failed even to come close to finding a potential cure for this disease.

What is the Solution?

With AFCR’s funding support, the GBM AGILE, an innovative and paradigm-changing clinical trial system, has been developed just to address this critical need. GBM AGILE changes the model of traditional clinical trials by evaluating multiple therapies simultaneously, ultimately creating a flexible and adaptable trial approach. This new approach allows researchers to identify drugs that are showing promising results and seamlessly transition to a confirmatory stage designed to support drug approval.

Recent Progress Made Possible with Your Support

Great progress has been made during the past years, working together with the National Foundation for Cancer Research and Global Coalition for Adaptive Research (GCAR).

  • Three arms of experimental treatments have now started to enroll GBM Patients!
  • Expansion is underway for trial sites to open and treat patients in Canada, Europe, and China in 2021.
  • 575 Patients screened as of May 5, 2021.

Click here for more details.

How You Can Help

Patients have waited a very long time for this. This is the first time a global collaboration of such scale and magnitude has been established for GBM, offering hope and promises for patients. Your support will lead directly to a revolutionary new approach to defeating GBM and creating more survivors! Would you please take a moment to renew your support today? On behalf of every single man, woman, and child with GBM whose life you will touch through your support of AFCR, thank you again for all you can do.

Make a donation now to support this program, here.