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Renew Your Support Today

The past year has been a challenging one, but thanks to your generous support and that of other donors, we have been able to continue funding the work of scientists and even expand our research projects during a difficult period of economic…

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Developing Innovative Liver Cancer Treatment

Effective treatments are still lacking for hepatocellular carcinoma or HCC, the most common type of liver cancer and second leading cause of cancer-related fatalities in Asia. Prognosis of patients with the disease has been and remains poor, with a 0.9 ratio of…

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Disruption of COVID-19 on the Fight against Cancer

I hope this letter finds you safe and well. Over the last several months, the world’s focus and concern has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there is an even greater threat that claims the lives of 9.5 million people each…

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Help Advance the Development of AFCR’s New Research Programs

Immunotherapy. Angiogenesis. Precision Medicine. Genomic Testing. Biomarkers. Therapeutic Antibody Engineering. CAR T Cell Therapy. When the Asian Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR) was founded one and half decades ago, many of these words did not exist or were never used in relation to cancer. But…

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