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Anne Li                                                                                                April 2nd, 2017


A Cancer Research UK-funded trial allowing GP surgeries to test for Barrett’s oesophagus – a condition that can increase the risk of developing oesophageal cancer – launches in the UK today. This trial aims to offer the Cytosponge test, a less invasive way to test for changing oesophageal cells in patients with acid reflux symptoms, to up to 150 GP practices. The researchers hope to assess whether the Cytosponge test will increase the number of Barrett’s oesophagus diagnoses in primary care. They will also examine how cost effective the technique is and whether patients are prepared to take the test. This is the last step required before it could be adopted into mainstream practice. The technique could streamline the patients referred for an endoscopy to those that need it. The trial researchers are looking for GP surgeries across the UK to sign up and take part. The criteria for the trial mean that participants must be aged 50 and over and be on long-term acid-suppressant medication.


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