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Immunotherapy. Angiogenesis. Precision Medicine. Genomic Testing.
Biomarkers. Therapeutic Antibody Engineering. CAR T Cell Therapy.

When the Asian Fund for Cancer Research (AFCR) was founded one and half decades ago, many of these words did not exist or were never used in relation to cancer.

But because friends like you so generously supported cancer research and the science community’s commitment to breakthrough cancer discovery, these words now have real meaning for people facing a cancer diagnosis. They mean the promise of a healthier future.

That’s why, AFCR wants to re-affirm our vision and determination with you—our most important partners in this journey.

Many of the most promising cancer-fighting clinical technologies of this new era were, ten years ago, but only projects in the labs of forward-looking scientists. Yet look at the impact they’re having now!

Imagine what your contribution to research at this moment will make possible for cancer patients ten years into the future. Lives saved, families together and friendships continued.

You’ll help us fund the most promising and innovative investigations, resulting in new and more effective drugs and therapies. Your generosity will also help advance the development of new and improved methods to detect cancer in the earliest possible stages.

In 2020 and beyond, your support will be translated into research areas including but not limited to:

Novel research programs like these can result in game-changing, life-saving diagnoses, treatments, prevention, and cures for cancers. As you know, cancer research is a long term commitment. It takes time to explore novel ideas, develop them into therapies, and test their efficacy. And it requires a dedicated team and shared visionar, including friends like you.

That’s why we need your valued and continued support. Please send your critical renewal gift to the Asian Fund for Cancer Research today—and I hope you’ll be as generous as you possibly can. You’ll help us meet our goal to fund the state-of-the-art work of brilliant, passionate cancer researchers who want to beat ALL cancers.