Anne Li …
Anne Li
Teenagers who watch more than three hours of commercial TV a day are more likely to eat hundreds of extra junk food snacks, according to a report by Cancer Research UK. Being bombarded by TV ads for unhealthy, high calorie food…
Anne Li
It seems obvious that advertising unhealthy food and drink leads to people eating and drinking more of it. UK businesses wouldn’t have spent an estimated £21 billion on ads in 2016 if they didn’t work. But it’s difficult to know exactly…
Anne Li 1/29/17
In a global broadcasting first, Cancer Research UK and Channel 4 will air a live colonoscopy during an ad break on 18…

The holiday season is filled with get-togethers with family and friends and can be both fun and joyous. It can also be stressful and tiring at times. Experts warn about this combination of stress, fatigue, and high-fat foods—factors that can, over time,…