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BIOHK2021 is Hong Kong’s first international biotechnology convention organized to introduce novel state-of-the-art biotech innovations from around the globe to provide an extensive platform to allow pioneers of the biotech industry to convene. The target includes policymaker, industry, academic, research, investment, and end-use. AFCR is a proud co-organizer of the event.

The event includes Exhibition, Conference, and One2One business matching. It provides an ideal opportunity to promote your business or organization to investors and industry leaders from all over the world. Being Asia s World city and a member of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is a perfect place to host this global mega biotech event, to provide the global biotech stakeholders a permanent convention to meet every year in Asia.

Exhibition – SHOWCASE and CONNECT

  • Showcase your product to the world whilst simultaneously learning about other leading innovations

Conference and Pitch Sessions – SHARE AND INSPIRE

  • Take part in invaluable discussions about the latest topics and industry trends in biotech


  • Promote your company and connect with prospective partners in the biotech market, succeed in forming new collaborations and building your international network

On the last part of the convention, the convention will be open to the public and visitors will be able to participate in public talks. Use this opportunity to promote your company brand, market testing products, and ideas to the end users!

The event will be held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 28 December 2021 to 31 December 2021. Learn more and register here: