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Bone Cancer 101

There are two primary types of bone cancer: 1) primary bone cancer, which originates in the bone tissue and can be either cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign); and 2) metastatic tumors of the bone tissue (which originated elsewhere in the body and…

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Cancer-Fighting Turmeric Recipe

Herbs and spices play an important role in many cultures across the world—being used in a variety of activities, including medical treatments and religious practices. Even AFCR, a leader in game-changing discoveries, acknowledges herbs are gaining momentum in mainstream cancer treatment. Herbs and…

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Simple, Fresh and Tasty Summer Salad

Summer, as wonderful as it is, can bring high heat, humidity and higher levels of physical activity, making unappealing even moderately heavy meals. As a result, it’s perhaps the only time of year that the environment deeply promotes the innate desire to…

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