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The US Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and the Asian Fund for Cancer Research jointly awarded five outstanding Chinese cancer researchers in the early stages of their careers with the 2019 USCACA-AFCR Young Investigator Award (also known as the USCACA-AFCR Scholar Award of Clinical, Translational and Basic Cancer Research). The scientists each received a certificate for the Award and a cheque in the amount of U.S. $1,000 during the 8th Guangzhou International Symposium on Oncology, held 28 through 30 November 2019 in Guangzhou.

Since 2010, AFCR has annually joined with USCACA in selecting, recognizing and rewarding outstanding young individuals for their excellence in basic or clinical cancer research. The ultimate goal of the USCACA-AFCR Young Investigator Award is to expedite novel cancer drug development by stimulating the translation of lab discoveries to novel cancer treatments, fostering collaborations in clinical cancer drug development and sharing best practices and knowledge between China and the United States.

Congratulations to the winners:

  • Jiaquan Liu, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Huiyan Luo, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center
  • Shengxiang Ren, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tongji University Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital
  • Meng Yang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital
  • Ruoxin Zhang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Fudan University School of Public Health