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The United States Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and AFCR are pleased to invite nominations for the USCACA-AFCR 2018 Scholar Awards.

The Awards will recognize 4 to 5 junior Chinese investigators on the basis of significant contributions in Translational or Clinical Cancer Research.

Candidacy is open to all Chinese researchers who were trained in the US and subsequently returned to China within the last two years or confirmed to return China by the end of 2018, and are currently active in translational and clinical cancer research in China. Selection of the award will be made on the basis of candidates’ meritorious achievements both during training in the US and after returning to China. The winners will receive an Award Recognition Plaque and an honorarium of $1,000 US dollars.

The 2018 Awards will be presented in a ceremony during the Third International Conference on Cancer Translational Research ( that will be held on November 16-18, 2018 in Tianjin, China.

Nominations may be made by either an USCACA member or nonmember and should be submitted via e-¬‐mail attachments to Dr. Qingyi Wei, President, USCACA at no later than 12:00 midnight of September 30, 2018, US Eastern Standard Time.

The following materials must be included in the nominations:

  1. A nomination letter addressed to the Selection Committee, concisely describing the candidate’s achievements for which he or she is being nominated (one page)
  2. Candidate’s curriculum vitae, including a complete list of his or her publications
  3. Outline of the candidate’s research plan (one page)
  4. Supporting letters: one from the US mentor and one from current director/chair/dean in China. 5. Please send the above documents in a single pdf file.

The deadline for nomination is September 30, 2018.

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