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On Friday, 4 February, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research proudly continues our tradition of recognizing

World Cancer Day. Once again, we join over one thousand organizations throughout the globe on this date in speaking as one voice to raise cancer awareness.

AFCR is a proud member of the Union for International Cancer Control, which since February 4, 2000, upon the occasion of the World Summit Against Cancer, has helped organizations mobilize the global community to make progress against cancer.

World Cancer Day’s three-year “Close the Care Gap” campaign begins this year and extends through to 2024, with the 2022 annual theme being “Realizing the Care Gap.”

Realization of a problem is the first important step in addressing it. And two essential roles AFCR plays throughout the Asia-Pacific are realizing and closing the KNOWLEDGE GAP and the FUNDING GAP of cancer research.

AFCR is closing and realizing the KNOWLEDGE GAP. Gone are the days of the “one-size fits all” approach to cancer treatment. Instead, doctors are beginning to administer treatments based on the needs of each individual person, their genetic information, health history and specific conditions.

AFCR is closing and realizing the FUNDING GAP. Too few resources are being provided to support world-class cancer scientists and research oncologists in Asia and those researching forms of the disease most highly prevalent within Asian populations—geographically and ethnically. This, despite the disease causing over 5.2 million deaths annually across the continent.

  • By dedicating resources across all three phases of cancer research—basic, translational and clinical—AFCR is ensuring impact across the full continuum of discovery, application and new treatments and earlier diagnoses for patients.
  • AFCR’s recent launch of programming which invests in early stage oncology technology companies that are deemed too risky by even the highly risk-tolerant venture capital community is an example of us addressing an urgent unmet need.
  • AFCR’s pursuit of partnerships with multiple like-minded organizations, including peer charities, industry associations, companies, research centers and hospitals, means efficient use of research and education resources and amplification of program results.

Please join AFCR, UIIC and the entire global cancer community in honoring World Cancer Day. Please support our organization by donating now or do what else you can to #ClosetheCareGap!